Dec 192013
BPMN 2 Based Process Training and Testing Solution For the Enterprise

The KG group was recently restructured into three different companies: AB “Kauno Grūdai” together with AB “Vilniaus paukštynas” and AB “Kaišiadorių paukštynas,” and introduced ten managed business activities. The group is actively expanding and each year new business activity is added to the company’s portfolio. Management understood that employee process knowledge and process alignment with […]

Dec 172013
Requirements Writing in SysML Guide

This document proposes structuring and styling rules that help writing requirements using the SysML language as well as specific MagicDraw capabilities that support this process. Prerequisites: basic MagicDraw knowledge; basic knowledge of the SysML language requirements part. The biggest issue users have when they start writing requirements using the SysML language is that there is […]

Dec 172013
Best Practices for Applying UML, Part I

Though UML notation is widely recognized as lingua franca for software development, many developers still lack skills for applying it efficiently. Methodologists, practitioners and tool vendors need to share their experience in order to find out ways how to get the most use from modeling and avoid abusing it. With this whitepaper, we start a […]

Dec 172013
Choosing the Right Modeling Tool

If you are reading this article, you are interested in modeling. Congratulations! This is definitely the right path. In our opinion, modeling is the next step in the evolution of thinking. And it is no secret that only the fittest will survive. The popularity of modeling is increasing. And with good reason, because modeling (especially […]

Dec 172013
Four Key Improvements When Managing the Teamwork Server Repository

This article gives details of common undesirable situations users have encountered while working with a Teamwork Server repository containing multiple projects. All of these situations can easily lead to more serious problems such as: data loss, duplicated and inconsistent data, and lost time from cleaning up errors. We suggest an easy way to identify and remedy issues in […]